Live Klean: #BringYourOwn Summertime Chia Breakfast

This fun little recipe is one of our summertime favorites because it's packed fresh seasonal fruits, it’s easy to make and extremely tasty. Not to mention, it’s a cool way to start out any hot summer day and you can eat it on the bus, at your desk, or pretty much anywhere.
- 10-15 blueberries
- ½ ripe peach
- 2 1/2 TBSP chia seeds
- 2 TBSP granola of your choice
- 1 ½ cup cold coconut milk
- ¼ TSP vanilla
- Pinch cinnamon
- Drizzle of maple syrup or honey
Step 1: The night before you want to eat this, mix cold coconut milk, vanilla, honey or maple syrup, and cinnamon in a Klean Kanteen Canister. Whisk in the chia seeds and let sit overnight in your refrigerator so it can turn into chia pudding.
Step 2: The next morning, wash your peach and blueberries, and cut up your peach into bite sized bits.
Step 3: Toss blueberries and peach on top of chia seed pudding that now lives in your Canister and sprinkle your favorite granola on top.
Step 4: Screw on the top of your Klean Kanteen Canister and #BringYourOwn delicious summertime breakfast with you wherever you go.
Step 5: Enjoy!